Before my trip, I had no particular expectations about the Hawaiian Islands and was pleasantly surprised to find Maui to be a heavenly place, the reason the Hawaiian Islands are called “paradise.” The OWFC had rented two houses, side by side, on Front Street in Lahaina, and I moved into one of them with Joy and her son, Jivan, and when Joy left the Island, I moved in with Elaine in the house next door. Elaine was managing our FarOutfits shop, which was also on Front Street, with the beautiful Pacific Ocean right out our front door. There was a high vibe among the tourists, who were all happy to be in the land of Aloha, and it was an enjoyable experience to sell them our beautiful clothing and gifts from the Islands. I airbrushed shirts for the shop and had a wonderful time becoming familiar with our tropical paradise.
I had been in Maui for about a year when Elaine felt it was time to reestablish on the mainland and I was ready to get back to our communal family. So I helped close up shop and returned to California. I rejoined our group in Stockton, where we continued to produce videos for public access and editing, publishing and promoting the Everlasting Gospel and Allen Michael.
Santa Rosa
In 1993, the two groups of us in Stockton and Sacramento moved to Sonoma County, where some of the former communal family members had relocated. We occupied a house in Windsor and one in Santa Rosa, where we are now. Over the years, for various reasons, members began to go back to separate living in the world of buying and selling, to the point now where there are four of us older members in the Commune. Although we no longer live communally with the many members of our once large group, we still recognize each other as kindred spirits, and we share a bond in the recognition of the truth that Allen Michael channels from Galactica. Since the “Flower Children” days in the Haight/Ashbury, we have watched many spiritual and higher consciousness groups come into vogue, and now, every aspect of the status quo “business-as-usual” lifestyle is being questioned by the New Age youth and young-at-heart. We have observed the growth of the natural food movement, from the time when our little Here And Now restaurant on Scott and Haight Streets was the first vegetarian restaurant in San Francisco, our Mustard Seed, the first in Marin County, then, The One World Family Natural Food Center, the first in Berkeley, and now, even the big food processors are getting in the act. The consciousness has been rising in all areas, leading to the great wake-up to a beautiful free world of sharing and natural living.
In our new world, the Garden of Eden, all environments will be beautiful, with baths, gardens and fruit orchards near lakes and streams, rivers and oceans. As the children grow, they will be with their peer groups, learning from the older children in our creative “Schools of Experience,” growing food and flowers and caring for themselves and their environment. The children’s natural abilities and inspiration will no longer be held back by being fed status quo belief systems that program them to fit in and keep the wheels turning generation after generation for the buying and selling big business system. Everything will be produced according to the highest standard of esthetics, as we provide food, clothing, beautiful environments, care, recreation, transportation, communications, energy and all creative arts for one another.
True happiness comes in sharing together in creative endeavors and in sharing equally the abundance of the planet, freely given so lovingly by Creation. All things will be done in the joy of doing, creating, sharing and serving. Never will any fault be found, nor judgment made, but all will help, love and lift one another according to need and ability. People all over the planet will be living together harmoniously as one family, sharing the joys of all babies and children together, with no concept of possession of person, place or thing, no fear of loss and all needs provided. All people will feel the same loving bond for one another that parents and children feel for one another now, as we recognize that we truly are One.
Our children are all-knowing entities of the Universe and no longer will be restricted and molded into the acceptable status quo cog to fit into the man’s backwards lifestyle and conditioned to go into the military murder factory to be shipped off to kill and be killed. The people have been in a duality consciousness of good and evil, while their higher knowing – their spiritual awareness – lies dormant with walls of words that have been programmed into our computer mind bank to set off feelings of fear of an imaginary enemy, of lack and of death. We can be glad now that this is all ending.
As we look at our planet we see sorrow, anger, pain, destruction and death all around us. These things are not part of Creation Nature. In the evolving consciousness, we have brought about these negative effects ourselves and have become hypnotized to the point of believing that they are all an unavoidable part of life. Now, in the third millennium of our time-keeping system, we are awakening to the very simple truth of it all. The truth is that we indeed are one humanity on a planet of abundance for all to share as one family.
Those of us who have remained close to Allen Michael and pursued publishing, video production and speaking engagements to bring the Everlasting Gospel to the people, are of one mind in the knowledge that Allen Michael was the entity chosen to fulfill the prophecy spoken by Jesus in St. John 14:16, 26 and 16:1-13, the Comforter Spirit of Truth. He is the Galactic Being who was previously incarnated on this planet called Hermes and has brought the Everlasting Gospel, which heralds the coming world transformation. We are part of the symbolic 144,000, the “elect,” here at this time, awakening to our true Being and our role in the coming New World of absolute freedom, security and abundance for all.
When I look back to the sixties, I feel in awe of the change I made in my life, going from a housewife with a husband and four young children in suburbia to a communal Hippie in the Flower Children’s Haight/Ashbury. It was like I had awakened to a colorful dream, filled with music, singing, dancing and laughing children and, of course, the inevitable ups and downs that go with the territory. I knew I had at last found the real thing.
Now I can see that we did as much as we could at the time. With the energies the way they were, had we continued to grow, we would have become a big threat to the establishment and would have brought down a lot of negative energy on ourselves. We had recorded the New World way of life, heaven on earth, and that stage of our mission was recorded in the morphogenetic field, there to spread over the whole planet when the time is right.
We recognize ourselves to be a church in the true meaning of the word – a group of people who have come together to live according to our highest ideals for the betterment of humanity. We are channels, just as those who are channels of the arts, computer science and technology and those entities who channeled the Scriptures in the many holy books of the world, the true meanings of which have been perverted and misconstrued by mortal mind – a consciousness in duality, subjugated to materiality.
The marvel of it all is that right here in our midst has been the Being all the world prophets down thru the ages have told would come. In this incarnation, the reason this entity has been called Allen Michael, is because he channels the Archangel Michael energies of the Galaxy and is fulfilling the prophecy of “Michael’s stand,” Dan. 12. Allen Michael reveals the truth of prophecy and the many things that haven’t been revealed before about this planet and this solar system. For those who are ready, it rings as clear as a bell.
Allen Michael passed away at age 93 in 2010, leaving four of us, Jeff, Michael, Barry and I, together in a large house. Joseph, his wife, Tera, and sons, Timothy and Luke, live separately here in Santa Rosa. Beldon, our dome builder, comes and goes and is ever present. David has been living in 29 Palms for several years, where he promotes Allen Michael and the EG.
Built with Joseph’s great assistance, we continue to operate and update our main website, the Galactic Messenger Network — so beautifully created and maintained by Dale “Deej” Lafayette (formerly “StarSeed”) of, an extended member from our Berkeley and Stockton days.
Now, as the consciousness rises, there is a proliferation of books and teachers of higher awareness coming forth. The greater truth is being revealed in words and deeds in so many areas all over the planet, at the same time, the negative effects in wars, starvation, disease, death and planetary catastrophes are increasing. As the energies rise to come into the synthesis, enough people will recognize the truth and be able to balance out those who are taken over by paranoia and fear of change.
It’s the end of the usury money system and all of its negative effects, war, crime, disease, poverty and planetary catastrophes, the negative feedback (satan’s pitchfork) that has been necessary for the transcendence of consciousness back into one for all and all for one. The recognition is rapidly growing, with the tremendous rise in consciousness that began back in the high energy days of the 60’s and increasing with the building negative effects all over the world. The truth Allen Michael has brought to the prophecy in the Bible is becoming more and more evident for all to see.
Our mission as Galactic channels is being accomplished as people come into the knowing of who they really are and that the joy in life is in sharing, serving, creating our needs for one another and playing together as one family of Beings. We live on a beautiful planet that is abundantly rich in all things that are freely provided by Creation Universe. Everything happens in its own time in this synchronistic Universe that’s without time, and everything is happening in the Now for the perfect. “Our Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven (Creation’s Universe).”
Hello New World!
The New Covenant
Book Review:
Allen Michael: An Enlightened Being
My Life in the One World Family Commune
- splat on My Life in the One World Family Commune
- Lori Roche on My Life in the One World Family Commune
- Cathy Cross on My Life in the One World Family Commune
- Cathy Cross on My Life in the One World Family Commune
- Del Rainer on My Life in the One World Family Commune
- August 2021
- July 2021
- June 2021
- Glactic Messenger
- Del Rainer
- Minister Gabriel
- Sheilah Renaud
- Dale Lafayette
- Bill Best
- AME Studios

John says
Jul 06 at 10:02 amThis was great reading. I lived in Lahaina in 75 and loved the Cafe Paradise. The tables were set within a bunch of banana trees. All the hippies in Lahaina ate there. I still use the One World Cook Book. It was while using it that I got interested and checked out where you guys were. It was fun to read this story about the group.
Joseph says
Jul 06 at 10:03 amBravo! Del, you really nailed it right on the head. My honor to have shared so much of it with you, Allen Michael and everyone. What an unbelievable crew, what a life!! An abundance of creative talent and energy in revolutionary service to a new world. And what a channeling, from the EG down thru the daily details, ETI is omnipresent with us and in us.
Thank you God, we are ever grateful. Love is service done!
Bill Best says
Jul 06 at 10:05 amAloha Del,
Thanks so much for your article and especially the pictures. It was great to see the restaurants and family (where are they now?) and even my pizza poster! Please post more and keep up the good work. I would be happy to know the family listened to my daily radio show 10 to 2PM ( Maui time ) Monday thru Friday on A lot of great music (non-commercial) with a few positive ideas mixed in. On the fly with an I phone etc. download the app tunein radio. Keep it UP, Bill Best
Nick Oliver says
Jul 06 at 10:07 amDear Del,
Remember me ? … brother of Chip ( black and silver ) . Early days … Berkeley, Larkspur. That aside … I read your article. Truly fabulous. You have an amazing memory, just like me. I’ll never forget your tan face and salt and pepper ponytail. I posted my email address in the required field, but I’ll post it here just in case you don’t receive it : That’s h2o, as in water, that’s an “o”, not a zero. Del, just one rule I have … nothing impersonal, like ecards or groupthink, etc…. gotta be you, and you only. If you’d like to send an email to Chip, his email is Until then, Love, Nick
Dolores Hansen Nelson says
Jul 06 at 10:08 amI am a first cousin of Steve Wolfe, whom I believe was a member of this group. I never got to know him but would like to know more now. Anyone who would care to share stories? I know he was an accomplished musician.
Mark Grimsley says
Jul 06 at 10:17 amMy, My, What a great feeling in my heart to know that I have found something of interest in this world again. I’m intrigued to find a belief I have felt all my life but was too supressed to succeed. I hope to make this a new beginning. I am ready! Let those unknowing learn, share & develop.
Del Rainer says
Jul 06 at 10:18 amHi Mark, It’s always rewarding to hear from a kindred spirit. Where do you live? I’d be happy to send you an EG if you’d like.
Happy New World,
Cathy Cross says
Jul 06 at 10:19 amYou all might remember me and my husband Christopher Cross. Our daughter Crystal was born while we were living in one of the Berkeley communal houses. I am in the picture of the family from 1973, immediately to the right of Allen Michael. I think about all you you and was glad I found this web page. Sorry to hear about Allen’s passing, but he did live til he was 92 and he certainly had a long rich life! I live in Amsterdam, Holland now with my Dutch boyfriend, but if I have a chance to visit any of you that remember me I’d love that. Please get in touch with me through my email if you’d like to reestablish a connection. Best of luck to you all!!!
Cathy Cross says
Jul 06 at 10:20 amGREAT ARTICLE!!! Brought back so many awesome memories of those days in Berkeley, the restaurant, peoples’ park and all the wonderful times I shared with everyone in the family for the years I was with you guys! Hope you are all doing well.
Lori Roche says
Jul 06 at 10:21 amLoved reading the history of One World Family. I lived in Hawaii in ’75, and learned airbrushing from Debbie and Michael. I lived with them in Sunset Beach on Oahu. They would take me to Maui to help work in the store. I was in Lahaina recently and looked for the location, but it has changed so much. Great memories! Hello to Debbie and Michael!
splat says
Jul 06 at 10:23 amIn reply to john.
John, I cooked the magic mushroom eggplant parmesan at Cafe Paradise in 74 and 75 using the cookbook.
“American Commune” — A Flim by Allen David
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